By Theofilos Ioannidis (tioannid [at] di [dot] uoa [dot] gr), created on , last updated on
In this section, we provide instructions on how the user can install v1.1.0 of the framework from the pre-built binaries+source code bundle.
The bundle can be downloaded from the following link
We assume that we have the ~/Downloads/ Then we uncompress in /data:
~$ cd /data; unzip ~/Downloads/
We should now have the following listing:
/data$ cd geordfbench/; ls
generators GraphDBSUT JenaGeoSPARQLSUT json_defs LICENSE pom.xml RDF4JSUT runtime scripts StardogSUT StrabonSUT target VirtuosoSUTT
The target directory asserts that a pre-built version of the software is at hand.