Welcome to the GeoRDFBench Framework

By Theofilos Ioannidis (tioannid [at] di [dot] uoa [dot] gr), created on , last updated on

Welcome to the website of the GeoRDFBench Framework. The visitor can find a detailed description of the platform, instructions on how to install and customize it, and examples of how to use and extend the platform.

Quick Start

Want to have an overview of the platform?

Read a short opinion article on other semantic benchmarking frameworks and trends

Would you like to install the platform?

Would you rather have a quick look at how a geospatial RDF store runs a benchmark ?

Are you interested at the details of how a geospatial RDF store runs a benchmark?

Want to customize the platform for your research?

Perhaps a multi-store benchmark against multiple workloads sounds more challenging.

Find out how to create and run a LUBM workload with multiple RDF stores .

Github instance for source code: https://github.com/tioannid/geordfbench

Github registry containers:

Geographica 2 datasets URL: https://geographica2.di.uoa.gr/